The ASEE Computers in Education Journal is currently seeking support in several roles.
Please note that certain roles require ASEE membership and involvement in the Computers in Education Division.
Assistant Editors (n~3): Responsible for leading and driving the review process and providing the Associate/Editor with initial decisions. [Must be ASEE / CoED Members]
Typesetting Editor (n~1): Responsible for converting finalized accepted publications to the two CoED output formats using LaTeX – PDF and HTML.
Reviewers (Unbounded): Responsible for providing timely reviews of article submissions to ASEE. Receive credit toward reduced publication fees for CoED journal.
- Create an account on our manuscript submission system
- Email the editor (Dr. Mike Borowczak) from the email you used to create an account with the subject line “CoED Journal Volunteer + [Position]” and include a recent CV