Embedded systems often implement behavior for common application domains, such as the control systems domain or the signal processing domain.
Archives for 2020
Project-Based Courses for B.Tech. Program of Robotics in Mechanical Engineering Technology
Robotics program at many Colleges has continued to become more and more popular. However, the students of the Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) program of robotics in the Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET) are facing three difficulties: (1) Weak fundamental knowledge related electrical engineering (EE), computer science (CS) and information technology (IT); (2) Difficulty in understanding the advanced concepts and theories of robotics; (3) Limited robotics class hours. Therefore, devising a series of appropriate robotics classes for the MET program is desirable.
Improving Student Success by Being Automatically Personal
This paper describes the development and use of “automatically-personal e-mail” routines allowing one to send interpretive e-mails to one’s class based on clicking a command in an Excel grade book.
The Effect of An Automatic Feedback System on Students’ Comments to Improve their Performance
This research focuses on understanding student performance by giving automatic feedback after writing freestyle comment data in each lesson.